Automated AWS EBS Snapshot Management Project Guide

Walter Mike
11 min readNov 15, 2023


In the dynamic landscape of cloud infrastructure, automating the creation of daily Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots on Amazon Web Services (AWS) emerges as a key strategy. This guide explores the streamlined approach to enhance data backup, foster recovery processes, and optimize costs. Prioritizing security and compliance, this automation initiative seeks to fortify business continuity, simplifying snapshot management for improved efficiency and reliability.

Step 1: Requirements Analysis

Identify Designated EBS Volumes:

Note down the EBS volume IDs that need daily snapshots.

Define Snapshot Schedule:

Choose a time for daily snapshot creation, for example, every day at 3 AM.

Define Retention Policy:

Decide on a retention period, e.g., keeping snapshots for 7 days.

Step 2: AWS Resource Configuration:

2.1 AWS CLI/SDK Setup

1. Install AWS CLI or SDK:

The AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool for interacting with AWS services from the command line. The AWS SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of libraries that you can use to interact with AWS services from your programming language.

If you choose to use the AWS CLI, you can install it using the following instructions:


If you choose to use the AWS SDK, you can install it using the following instructions:


2.Configure AWS CLI or SDK with appropriate credentials:

Once you have installed the AWS CLI or SDK, you need to configure it with your AWS account credentials. You can do this by creating an IAM user with the appropriate permissions and then storing your access key ID and secret access key in a secure location.

To configure the AWS CLI, you can use the following command:


To configure the AWS SDK, you can use the following code snippet:


2.2 IAM Role Creation

1. Create an IAM role with the necessary permissions:

An IAM role is a collection of permissions that you can grant to users, groups, or other AWS services. The role should have the following permissions:

ec2:CreateSnapshot : This permission allows the role to create snapshots of EC2 instances.
ec2:DeleteSnapshot : This permission allows the role to delete snapshots of EC2 instances.
Other required permissions : You may need to grant other permissions depending on your specific requirements.

To create an IAM role, you can use the following AWS CLI command:


Where `trust-policy.json` is a JSON file that defines the trust policy for the role. The trust policy should allow the Lambda function to assume the role.

2. Attach the necessary permissions to the IAM role:

Once you have created the IAM role, you need to attach the necessary permissions to it. You can do this using the following AWS CLI command:


This will attach the `AmazonEC2FullAccess` policy to the role, which grants the role all of the permissions that it needs to create, modify, and delete EC2 instances.

2.3 Lambda Function Creation

1. Create a Lambda function with the IAM role:

A Lambda function is a serverless compute service that you can use to run code in response to events. The Lambda function should be created with the following attributes:

Runtime: Python 3.8
Handler: index.lambda_handler
Role: The IAM role that you created in step 2.2
Code: The code for the Lambda function. The code should use the Boto3 library to create snapshots of EC2 instances.

2. Deploy the Lambda function:

Once you have created the Lambda function, you need to deploy it to AWS. You can do this using the following AWS CLI command:


Where `` is a ZIP file that contains the Lambda function code.

2.4 CloudWatch Events Setup

1. Create a CloudWatch Events rule to trigger the Lambda function at the specified schedule:

A CloudWatch Events rule is a way to trigger an event in response to a specific event or condition. The CloudWatch Events rule should be created with the following attributes:

Event pattern: A JSON object that defines the event pattern that will trigger the rule. The event pattern should specify the schedule at which the Lambda function should be triggered.

Targets: An array of targets that the rule will invoke when it is triggered. The targets should include the Lambda function that you created in step 2.3.

To create a CloudWatch Events rule, you can use the following AWS CLI command:


2.5 Testing the Configuration

  • Verify that the CloudWatch Events rule is triggering the Lambda function:

You can verify that the CloudWatch Events rule is triggering the Lambda function by checking the logs for the Lambda function. The logs should show that the function is being invoked every 5 minutes.

  • Verify that the Lambda function is creating snapshots of EC2 instances:

You can verify that the Lambda function is creating snapshots of EC2 instances by checking the EC2 dashboard. The dashboard should show a list of snapshots for the EC2 instances that you specified in the Lambda function code.

Once you have completed these steps, you should have a working configuration that will automatically create snapshots of your EC2 instances on a regular basis.

Step 3: Automation Script Development:

Step 3.1: Script for Snapshot Creation

The script for snapshot creation utilizes the Boto3 library to interact with AWS resources and perform automated snapshot creation for designated EBS volumes. Here’s a breakdown of the script:

1. Import Boto3 Library: Start by importing the Boto3 library to enable interaction with AWS services:


2. Establish EC2 Client Connection: Create an EC2 client object using Boto3 to manage EC2 resources:


3. Retrieve Designated EBS Volumes: Identify the EBS volumes for which snapshots need to be created. This can be done by filtering based on volume IDs or tags:


4. Create Snapshots for Designated EBS Volumes: Iterate through the identified EBS volumes and create snapshots for each:


Step 3.2: Retention Policy Script

The retention policy script aims to delete snapshots older than a specified retention period. This ensures that older snapshots are removed to optimize storage usage:

1. Import Boto3 Library: Import the Boto3 library to interact with AWS resources:


2. Establish EC2 Client Connection: Create an EC2 client object using Boto3 to manage EC2 resources:


3. Define Retention Period:Set the retention period in days to determine which snapshots to delete:


4. Retrieve Snapshots for Deletion: Filter snapshots based on their creation date and identify those older than the retention period:


5. Delete Old Snapshots: Iterate through the identified old snapshots and delete them:


Step 3.3: Error Handling, Logging, and Notification

To enhance the scripts with error handling, logging, and notification mechanisms, consider the following:

Sure, here’s a detailed explanation of the three main aspects of enhancing the automation scripts:

1. Error Handling

Error handling is crucial for ensuring the stability and robustness of the automation scripts. It involves implementing mechanisms to gracefully handle exceptions that may arise during execution. By incorporating try-except blocks, you can effectively catch exceptions and prevent the scripts from crashing unexpectedly.


1. Enclose critical sections of code within try blocks to capture potential exceptions.

2. Within the except blocks, handle the exceptions appropriately by logging error messages, sending notifications, or performing alternative actions as needed.

3. Utilize logging frameworks like Python’s built-in logging module to capture detailed error messages, including the exception type, traceback, and relevant context information.


2. Logging

Logging provides valuable insights into the execution of the automation scripts. By integrating a logging framework, you can capture a comprehensive record of script activities, including successful operations, potential errors, and overall system health.


1. Import the logging module and configure a logger instance.

2. Throughout the script, use logger methods like info(), debug(), warning(), and error() to record relevant events and messages.

3. Determine the appropriate logging level based on the desired granularity of information.

4. Consider storing log messages in a centralized location, such as a file or a database, for future analysis and troubleshooting.


3. Notification

Notifications play a crucial role in alerting administrators of significant events related to the automation scripts. Leveraging AWS services like SNS or CloudWatch Events, you can establish notification mechanisms that trigger when specific events occur.


1. Create an SNS topic or CloudWatch Events rule to serve as the notification channel.

2. Configure the scripts to trigger notifications upon successful snapshot creation or error occurrences.

3. Define notification templates to provide clear and concise information about the event, including timestamps, error messages, and relevant details.

4. Subscribe administrators or designated teams to the notification channel to receive real-time alerts.


By incorporating these error handling, logging, and notification enhancements, you can significantly improve the reliability, observability, and responsiveness of the automation scripts, ensuring a more efficient and maintainable system for managing EBS snapshots.

(Make sure to replace placeholders like ‘your_region’ and ‘your_topic_arn’ with your specific AWS region and SNS topic ARN. Additionally, configure AWS credentials for boto3 to interact with your AWS environment.)

Step 4: Notification and Reporting:

Step 4.1: SNS Topic Creation

Creating an SNS topic in the AWS Management Console provides a centralized channel for receiving notifications from various AWS services, including Lambda functions. This allows for real-time alerting and monitoring of the snapshot creation process.

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the Simple Notification Service (SNS).
  3. In the SNS dashboard, click on “Create topic.”
  4. Enter a suitable name and display name for your topic.
  5. Click on “Create topic.”

After creating the topic, note down the Topic ARN as you will need it to integrate with Lambda.

Step 4.2: Integration with Lambda

Modify your existing Lambda function to include SNS notifications:


Step 4.3: Report Generation Script

A report generation script provides a mechanism to aggregate and present information about the snapshot creation process. This script can utilize various sources of data, such as CloudWatch Logs, to generate reports on snapshot creation activities.


Decide on the scope of the report, such as summarizing snapshot creation events, identifying trends, or analyzing historical data.

Choose the data source for the report, such as CloudWatch Logs, which provide detailed logs of Lambda function executions.

Develop the script to extract, transform, and load the relevant data from the chosen source.

Format the report in a clear and concise manner, presenting the information in a visually appealing and easily interpretable format.

Schedule the report generation script to run periodically, generating reports at defined intervals.

By implementing these steps, you establish a comprehensive notification and reporting system that keeps administrators informed about the snapshot creation process and provides valuable insights into the overall system health and performance.

5: Cost Optimization:

Step 5.1: Off-Peak Scheduling

Off-peak scheduling optimizes snapshot creation costs by shifting the scheduled snapshot creation to periods when AWS infrastructure usage and costs are typically lower. This can lead to significant savings, especially for organizations with fluctuating usage patterns.


1. Analyze historical usage data to identify off-peak hours for your AWS account.

2. Modify the CloudWatch Events rule to trigger the Lambda function during off-peak hours.

3. Consider implementing a dynamic scheduling mechanism that adjusts the trigger time based on real-time usage patterns.

By scheduling snapshot creation during off-peak hours, you can take advantage of lower compute and storage costs, reducing the overall expense associated with snapshot creation and management.

Step 5.2: Cost Monitoring Setup

Cost monitoring is crucial for understanding and controlling snapshot-related costs. By implementing cost monitoring tools, you can gain visibility into snapshot usage and identify opportunities for cost optimization.


1. Utilize AWS Cost Explorer to track snapshot-related costs over time. Analyze trends, identify anomalies, and pinpoint areas for potential cost reduction.

2. Set up CloudWatch Alarms to alert you when snapshot-related costs exceed specified thresholds. This allows you to proactively address cost spikes and prevent unexpected expenses.

3. Consider using cost allocation tags to categorize snapshot-related costs by department, project, or other relevant criteria. This facilitates granular cost analysis and enables chargeback or cost allocation strategies.

By implementing cost monitoring techniques, you can gain control over snapshot-related expenses, optimize resource utilization, and ensure that your snapshot management practices align with your budgetary constraints.

Step 6: Security Implementation

Step 6.1 : Encryption Configuration:

To ensure that snapshots are encrypted by default in your AWS account, follow these steps:

1.Navigate to the AWS Management Console.
2.Select “Security, Identity, & Compliance” from the navigation pane.
3.Choose “IAM” from the list of services.
4.On the left-hand side, click “Account Settings.”
5.Under “Default encryption for snapshots,” select “AES-256.”
6.Click “Save Changes.”

This will encrypt all new snapshots created in your account with AES-256 encryption.

Step 6.2: Access Control:

To adjust IAM policies for the Lambda function to have the least privilege necessary, follow these steps:

1.Navigate to the AWS Management Console.
2.Select “AWS Lambda” from the navigation pane.
3.On the left-hand side, click “Functions.”
4.Select the Lambda function you want to adjust the IAM policy for.
5.Click on the “Permissions” tab.
6.Click on the “Execution role” link.
7.Click on the “Attach policy” button.
8.Select the “Custom policy” option.
In the “Policy JSON” field, write the following policy:


9.Click on the “Attach policy” button.

This will give the Lambda function the least privilege necessary to execute successfully.


In conclusion, the project’s success is defined by its ability to consistently create daily snapshots, manage retention effectively, notify stakeholders promptly, handle errors adeptly, optimize costs sensibly, and fortify data resilience. By embracing these key measures, we have established a robust and efficient system that not only meets but exceeds our expectations, ensuring the security, compliance, and enduring reliability of our data management processes. This project sets the stage for a future-ready approach, where our cloud infrastructure stands as a testament to efficiency, security, and cost-effectiveness.

